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Foto-foto pers Henkel yang direproduksi dan/atau dimodifikasi secara elektronik untuk keperluan editorial harus memuat pemberitahuan hak cipta "© [Tahun] Henkel AG & Co. KGaA. Hak cipta dilindungi Undang-Undang". Pencetakan ulang tidak dikenakan biaya, namun, kami meminta salinan untuk catatan kami.

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Henkel is among the 250 organizations that signed the New Plastics Economy’s “Global Commitment”.

Open office.
Henkel Indonesia’s head office implements an open office concept with flexible seating arrangements for employees.

Meeting room.
The meeting room caters to formal group meetings.

Focus room.
The focus rooms are used for concentrated work or confidential conversations.

Phone booth.
The phone booth provides a place for concentrated work or telephone calls.

Collaboration area 1.
This informal meeting area is a setting where employees have the option to stand or sit during discussions.

Collaboration area 2.
This informal meeting area is an open, flexible setting for project discussion.